Pre-order Products

The products offered as "preorder”,marked by the label "Preorder", are products not available yet and the release is expected in the future compared to the time of purchase.

The release date is purely indicative and variable depending on external factors, such as production delays or distribution that are not dependent and therefore not attributable to Matsuri Nerd. You find it marked on each product, we try to update it as frequently as possible based on what is communicated to us by the suppliers.

It is possible to purchase pre-order products with different purchase methods, which vary from product to product:

If on the product sheet it says "Valid preorder after checking availability!" it means that before confirming the pre-order we will make sure that it is still available. If it is not, we will immediately cancel the order and refund you.

All information on pre-orders you have made starting from 07/02/2022 can be found on your account 

By clicking on Pre-orders you will see a with the following fields:

- Order reference

- Product

- Estimated arrival date: we will update it as frequently as possible based on delays or advance payments from suppliers

- Total paid: Here you will see the deposit you paid for booking the product.

- Residual: what is missing to pay for the product.

- Payment method used

- COMPLETE button to proceed with the payment of the product when the product has arrived in the warehouse.


It is possible to purchase pre-order products with different purchase methods

1.Payment of the deposit: it is possible to pre-order a product by paying a deposit equal to 20% of the total amount by selecting "deposit" as the payment method. In this case the shipping costs are not counted but will be calculated at the time of the balance of the product. If you want to see how much they are, just enter the product in the cart with the total balance mode.

Once the product is available in our warehouse, you will receive an email and you can proceed to complete the order from the Pre-orders page of your account by clicking on the "complete" button. You will be redirected to the cart and the voucher relating to the deposit paid plus any pre-order discount will be automatically activated if you had bought the product when it was discounted.

You can add more products to be paid in the cart or add other products in stock to take advantage of a single shipment.

You have 30 days to pay the balance. After this term, the product will be put back on sale and as a penalty you will lose the 20% deposit paid.

2. Payment of the balance: it is possible to pre-order a product by directly paying the total balance by selecting "Total Balance" as payment method. In this case, the customer will pay the total amount of the product including shipping costs. As soon as the product is available it will be shipped to the address indicated during the purchase phase.  If you want to change the address, just contact us and we will make the change.

WARNING: If you purchase multiple products in the same order with the total balance, the order will be shipped once all the products are available because you have chosen to pay a single shipment for all products. In no case will it be possible for us to divide the order and ship the products separately.

After you have purchased the product (by deposit or total balance) you will receive a booking confirmation email and the product will be booked and guaranteed.

So don't worry if you see sold out on the product sheet because your copy is guaranteed.

Preorder cancellation

It is possible to cancel a pre-order within 5 days of purchase, with a full refund of the amount paid, deposit or balance.

After this deadline it is possible to cancel the pre-order but 4 options will be available:

Cancellation within 2 months from the date of the order and in any case before the arrival of the product in our warehouse:

1 - a voucher can be issued for the value of the total amount paid for the pre-order. The voucher will be valid throughout the store and will be valid for 12 months.

2 - can be refunded, however 20% of the value of the product will be retained as a penalty. Any amount paid, exceeding this percentage, will be refunded according to the refund method chosen by the customer.

Cancellation more than 2 months from the order date or after the product arrives in our warehouse:

3 - If you have only paid the deposit, it is equal to 20% of the final value of the product, therefore it will be retained as a penalty and nothing will be due.


4 - If you have paid the full balance, it can be refunded, but involves a penalty of 20% of the final value of the product. Any amount paid above this percentage will be refunded.


5 - If you have paid the full balance, a voucher may be issued, however 20% of the final value of the product will be retained as a penalty. The voucher will be valid throughout the entire store and will be valid for 12 months.

After choosing one of the available options, to put the cancellation into practice, contact us via our channels with the order code. We will take care of everything. refund method chosen by the customer.

For any request contact us via email, chat or on our social pages.