Privacy Policy


Matsuri Nerd di Sileno Luca (“Matsuri Nerd” or the “Data Controller”) is aware of the importance of protecting the personal data and, in its quality of Data Controller, informs that personal data collected through navigation on the website will be processed in compliance with European and Italian legislation. When using the services offered by the site (filling out contact forms, etc.) the user will receive specific information regarding the further processing of personal data made by Matsuri Nerd.

Pursuant to Article 13 of Regulation (EU) no. 2016/679 (“Regulation”), Matsuri Nerd provides the following information.

1. Types of data collected, purpose and legal basis of processing.

Navigation data. The computer systems and software procedures used to operate the website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of the users' terminals that connect to the site, the MAC (Media Access Control) addresses, the addresses in the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to forward the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in reply, the numerical code indicating the status of the response from the server (successful, error, etc.) and parameters related to the operating system and to the users’ computer environment. These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to check its correct functioning and are deleted immediately after processing. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the site. The legal basis that legitimises the processing of personal data for this purpose is to be found in the hypothesis provided for by art. 6 par. 1, lett. b) of the Regulation, allowing the user to use the service requested. The same data may also be used to fulfil legal obligations or requests of the judicial Authority. The legal basis that legitimises the processing of personal data for this purpose is to be found in the hypothesis provided for by art. 6 par. 1, lett. c) of the Regulation, as the processing is necessary to fulfil a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject.

Data provided voluntarily by the user.

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of messages and requests to the addresses indicated on Matsuri Nerd website involves the acquisition of the sender's contact data, which are necessary to reply, as well as all the personal data included in the communications.

The data may also be processed when the user subscribes to the newsletter, creates an account, or makes a purchase on e-commerce. The data required to perform the requested activity are marked with an asterisk (*).

·         Customer service and other requests: to answer users' requests by phone, mail, e-mail or online via a chatbot, Matsuri Nerd may process the sender's e-mail address and the additional personal data contained in the message to respond to requests made by the user. The legal basis that legitimises the processing of personal data for this purpose is to be found in the hypothesis provided for by art. 6 par. 1, lett. b) of the Regulation, as to provide the requested service to the user. The same data may also be used to fulfil legal obligations or requests of the judicial Authority. The legal basis that legitimises the processing of personal data for this purpose is to be found in the hypothesis provided for by art. 6 par. 1, lett. c) of the Regulation, as the processing is necessary to fulfil a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject.


·         Newsletter and other commercial communications: If the user joins the commercial newsletter service, his or her data will be processed for the purpose of sending, via email, communications also having commercial and promotional purposes about Matsuri Nerd and its products.

The legal basis that legitimises the processing of personal data for this purpose is to be found in the hypothesis provided for by art. 6 par. 1, lett. b) of the Regulation, as to provide the requested service to the user. The same data may also be used to fulfil legal obligations or requests of the judicial Authority. The legal basis that legitimises the processing of personal data for this purpose is to be found in the hypothesis provided for by art. 6 par. 1, lett. c) of the Regulation, as the processing is necessary to fulfil a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject. The processing of data as described above is necessary: otherwise, it will not be possible to subscribe to the newsletter service. Users may unsubscribe from the service at any time by following the procedure indicated in each communication and/or by writing to the contact details provided at the end of this Privacy Policy.

If the user enters his/her data but does not complete the purchase of the products in the shopping cart, he/she may receive an automatic reminder from Matsuri Nerd by e-mail. The legal basis that legitimises the processing of personal data for this purpose is to be found in the hypothesis provided for by art. 6 par. 1, lett. b) of the Regulation, as to provide the requested service to the user.

Users may unsubscribe from the above services at any time by following the procedure indicated in each communication and/or by writing to the contact details provided at the end of this Privacy Policy.


·         Account creation: If the user creates his/her own personal account, his/her data will be processed to allow his registration to the website and the management of his reserved area, and to send informative communications with commercial and promotional content on the activities of Matsuri Nerd and its products. Matsuri Nerd may receive the user's identification and contact data from Facebook or Google and Paypal, in the case of user login through Facebook and Google+ and Paypal. The personal account involves the use of authentication credentials that are known only to the user, and which the latter must keep carefully and under his full and exclusive responsibility.

Registering on the site allows you to benefit from certain advantages, such as invitations to exclusive promotions, birthday discounts and an easier check-out procedure for online purchases.

The creation of an account is not mandatory/necessary to carry out online purchases.

The legal basis that legitimises the processing of personal data for this purpose is to be found in the hypothesis provided for by art. 6 par. 1, lett. b) of the Regulation, as to provide the requested service to the user. The same data may also be used to fulfil legal obligations or requests of the judicial Authority. The legal basis that legitimises the processing of personal data for this purpose is to be found in the hypothesis provided for by art. 6 par. 1, lett. c) of the Regulation, as the processing is necessary to fulfil a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject.

With specific regard to the sending of informative communications with commercial and promotional content, such processing has its legal basis in the legitimate interest of Matsuri Nerd in promoting its activities and products, in accordance with Article 6(1)(f) of the Regulation.


Subject to the express consent collected during registration, the data (including data relating to favorite products / wishlist) will be processed - using automated methods - for profiling, i.e. to analyse the user's consumption choices in order to customize accordingly the commercial and promotional communications sent by the Data Controller, and to better assist users in their online purchases, suggesting products that may interest them. This profiling does not involve the taking of automated decisions that produce legal effects on users. Consent is optional and is not necessary to create an account; if given, it can be revoked at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent before revocation, by contacting the owner by writing to the address Via Roma 62, Pregnana Milanese (MI) - Italy, or to the email address In the event that the preference in relation to consent is given more than once (for example, because an account is created and a purchase is made), the last choice made shall prevail.


The processing of the user's data is necessary solely for the creation of his/her personal account. The user may object at any time to receiving commercial and promotional communications from the Data Controller, and this objection will not have any effect on the existence of the account (it being understood that the user may always request its cancellation at any time), but the user will lose the possibility of receiving offers that may be of interest to him/her. The opposition may be exercised by following the procedure indicated at the bottom of the communications themselves or by contacting the owner by writing to the address Via Roma 62, Pregnana Milanese (MI) - Italy, or to the email address


·         Online Shopping: Where the user carries out online purchases, his or her data will be processed (i) to manage purchase orders (including the sending of informative and service communications on the order status, via e-mail; the execution of the relevant shipments. Matsuri Nerd processes this data in order to conclude, execute and manage the purchase and order. In some cases, the information requested may be mandatory and marked with an asterisk (*); (ii) to send informative communications with commercial and promotional content about the activities of the Data Controller and its products and (iii) to send, via e-mail, surveys and customer satisfaction surveys aimed at improving the products and services offered by Matsuri Nerd, the results of which will be anonymous unless consent is obtained from the user at the end of the survey. (iv) in case of payment by credit card, to perform a credit check in order to verify that your personal data is not associated with fraudulent use of the credit card. For this purpose, the payment service provider will process your name and bank account details. Matsuri Nerd does not collect information relating to the payment instrument used (e.g. credit card information). This information is only processed by the payment service provider and payment instrument providers under strict information security measures.

The legal basis that legitimises the processing of personal data for this purpose is to be found in the hypothesis provided for by art. 6 par. 1, lett. c) of the Regulation, as the processing is necessary to fulfil a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject.

The legal basis that legitimises the processing of personal data for this purpose is:

- for the processing under point (i):the legal basis that legitimises the processing of personal data for this purpose is to be found in the hypothesis provided for by art. 6 par. 1, lett. b) of the Regulation, as to provide the requested service to the user. The same data may also be used to fulfil legal obligations or requests of the judicial Authority. The legal basis that legitimises the processing of personal data for this purpose is to be found in the hypothesis provided for by art. 6 par. 1, lett. c) of the Regulation, as the processing is necessary to fulfil a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject;

- for the processing under (ii) and (iii): the legal basis that legitimises the processing of personal data for this purpose is to be found in the in the legitimate interest of Matsuri Nerd in promoting its activities and products, in accordance with Article 6(1)(f) of the Regulation;

- for the processing under (iv): the legal basis that legitimises the processing of personal data for this purpose is to be found in the in the legitimate interest of Matsuri Nerd in preventing fraud and financial loss, in accordance with Article 6(1)(f) of the Regulation. The same data may also be used to fulfil legal obligations or requests of the judicial Authority. The legal basis that legitimises the processing of personal data for this purpose is to be found in the hypothesis provided for by art. 6 par. 1, lett. c) of the Regulation, as the processing is necessary to fulfil a legal obligation to which the Data Controller is subject.


Subject to the express consent given upon completion of the purchase procedure, the data (including data relating to purchased products) will be processed - using automated methods - also for profiling purposes, i.e. to analyse the user's consumption choices and customise the commercial and promotional communications sent by the owner accordingly, and to better assist the user in his/her  online purchases, by suggesting products that may interest him/her. This profiling does not involve the making of automated decisions that produce legal effects on users. Consent is optional and not necessary for concluding online purchases and, if given, may be revoked at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent before revocation, by following the procedure indicated at the bottom of the communications themselves or by contacting the owner by writing to the address Via Roma 62, Pregnana Milanese (MI) - Italy, or to the email address .

In the event that the preference in relation to consent is given more than once (for example, because more than one purchase is made or because an account is created and a purchase is made), the choice made last will prevail.


The processing of the user's data is necessary only for the completion of the purchase procedure, for the subsequent delivery of the products and for customer service activities. The user may object at any time to receiving commercial and promotional communications from the data controller, as well as to surveys and customer satisfaction surveys, and this objection will only result in the loss of the opportunity to receive offers that may be of interest to the user and to contribute to improving the data controller's products and services. The opposition may be exercised by following the procedure indicated at the bottom of the communications themselves or by contacting Matsuri Nerd writing to the address of Via Roma 62, Pregnana Milanese (MI) - Italy, or to the email address



Matsuri Nerd website ( processes technical cookies (session and navigation), to ensure normal navigation and use of the website (allowing, for example, to authenticate the access in restricted areas). The site also uses profiling cookies and third party analytics (with reduced identifying potential), in order to monitor the use of the site by users for the purpose of optimising the web platform and statistics (analytical). For all information concerning the processing of personal data by means of cookies, please refer to Matsuri Nerd Cookie Policy, which can be found on each portal page at this link.

2. Data retention period.

Personal data collected and processed when browsing the site will be kept for the entire period of service providing and in any case deleted or rendered anonymous within 7 days.  Personal data sent voluntarily by users through the tools on the site will be deleted after providing the service requested or having responded to them and in any case within the maximum period of 6 months  from the end of this activity, with the exception of those required to comply with fiscal, accounting and administrative regulations or to fulfil other legal obligations and to document the activities carried out.

3. Modalities for data processing.

The personal data will be collected, saved and processed with electronic tools and will be stored both electronically and on paper, organised in a database, and on any other type of appropriate support. Specific security measures are followed to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorised access. The processing of personal data carried out by Matsuri Nerd does not involve automated decision-making processes.

4. Providing data.

The provision of navigation data is necessary to grant the requested service (navigation on the site) and therefore mandatory to this purpose: the failure to communicate or provide personal data by the data subject will result in the impossibility for Matsuri Nerd to allow navigation on the site The provision of data for further purposes is optional: failure to communicate or provide data, in such cases, will not affect the data subject, but may result in the inability to provide the user with the feedback required.

5. Entities to whom personal data may be disclose

Personal data may be disclosed to: subjects who are entitled and have the interest to access personal data by law or secondary or community legislation; Controller’s internal staff; companies, associations or professional offices that provide services and activities on behalf of the Data Controller as Data Processor for the fulfilment of legal obligations, as well as for every organisational and administrative need necessary to provide the services requested. The details of the Data Processors are listed in an updated list available at Matsuri Nerd (to be requested at the addresses indicated in point 9). Personal data will not be disseminated.

6. Data transfer abroad or to international organisations.

Matsuri Nerd does not transfer personal data out of European Union or to international organisations.

7. Link to sites or services of third parties.

This policy is provided only for the processing of personal data made through this site or the tools provided by the same, and not for other websites that may be consulted by the user through connection, whose managers operate as independent data controllers. Users are therefore invited to read their privacy policies carefully, before accessing the services of third parties.

8. Data subject’s rights.

In relation to the above-mentioned personal data processing, the data subject has the right to exercise at any time the rights provided by the Regulation, including, for example, to obtain the indication of: (i) data source; (ii) purposes and methods of processing; (iii) logic applied in case of processing carried out with the aid of electronic instruments; (iv) identifying details of the controller, of the processor, of the managers and the appointed representative.

Data subjects have the right to obtain: (i) access, updating, correction or integration of data; (ii) deletion, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law; (iii) the limitation of data processing; (iv) copy of their data in standard format.

Data subjects are also entitled to object, in whole or in part:

- for legitimate reasons to the processing of data concerning them, even if pertinent to the purpose of the collection;

- to the processing of personal data concerning them carried out pursuant to art. 6 par. 1 of the Regulation, lett. e) (“processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller”) or f) (“processing is necessary for the pursuit of the legitimate interest of the data controller or third parties”) including profiling on the basis of these provisions;

- to the processing of personal data concerning them for the dispatch of advertising or direct sales material or for the conduction of market research or commercial communication (direct marketing), including profiling in so far as it is connected to it.

Data subjects have, finally, the right to revoke their consent to processing, when this is based on the hypothesis by art. 6, par. 1, lett. a) ("the data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes"), or by art. 9, par. 2, lett. a) (“the data subject has explicitly consented to the processing of those personal data for one or more specified purposes”) of the Regulation, at any time without prejudice to the lawfulness of the treatment based on consent given prior to the revocation.

If the processing is in violation of the legislation in force, Data subjects have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, particularly in the Member State in which they normally reside, work or where the alleged violation has occurred. The Italian Supervisory Authority can be reached at the addresses on its website.

9. Data controller - Contact details.

The Data Controller is Matsuri Nerd di Sileno Luca, with registered office at Via Roma 62, Pregnana Milanese (MI) – Italy, in the person of its legal representative pro tempore. To exercise the rights listed above, the data subject may make a request using the e-mail account

Matsuri Nerd retains the right to update this personal data processing policy.